Friday 15 October 2010

Surfing 4,623 blogs on water

Well now it's 4,623 bloggers reaching 34 million readers.

You can read some really scary facts about water. Or you can watch the story of bottled water. Or you can get tips about using vegetable water for cooking rice. Or you can learn about the daily search for water from an indigenous blogger in Balochistan, Pakistan.

Or you can read the vicar's wife on the relationship between drinking water and sewers. Or a Foreign Office mandarin on rain water catchment tanks in Kenya (maji ni uhai means 'water is life' in Swahili).

Or you can see how a picture of a woman in a bottle illustrates how this issue hits women hardest. Or you can follow the stats about #BAD10. Or hear about five water movies. Or get advice for gardeners.

And that's only 10 of the blogs out there. There's another 4,613 to go.

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