Thursday 23 December 2010

Best Ashden Moments 2010: Gloria picks Sir David Attenborough's speech

For the fifth in our end-of-year series, where members of the Ashden team choose favourite moments from the year, Gloria Dawson, Policy and Research Officer, picks Sir David Attenborough's speech at the 2010 Awards ceremony.

My Awards moment of the year was Sir David Attenborough's speech at the Awards; he so enthusiastically embraced and praised the positivity of our award-winners' stories. For me, the most important bit was where he said that we have, as humans, started to undergo a fundamental moral change in our relationship to the planet; we have realised that it is wrong to take and not give back, to despoil the Earth's resources without regard for other living creatures and organisms and their future. He likened this moral change to the shift in opinion in the 19th century over the justifications for the slave trade. I do so hope he is right.

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